Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Prelims, Day 2

After a tremendous effort, for truly it was tremendous, I got through SEA History today. Few science people will ever understand, I think, the rush of writing four essays (full fledged, not some 10 mark question) in three hours at one shot. Even GP allows for a toilet break in between. What an experience. So as of now, we have completed half of history, one third of literature, and all of GP.

Writing history essays is like a race against the clock. It's like some who-writes-fastest-wins kind of competition. Forget about checking your work. That's so secondary school. Here you want to finish your work. And of course, since this is the A levels, there is no need to check as you're expected to know your stuff, so everything that goes down the first time must be pitch perfect, so to speak. I thank God that I actually managed to finish today's paper in time. AND, write beyond three pages, at least for most of them. By the last essay I was flagging, and in any case I'd overshot on the sbq.

Now I shall have lunch, then relax for a while, before going off to revise econs. Tomorrow will be another day of writing. Three essays, two and a half hours. He who writes fastest wins! sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2, accutane,